The Brook Community Theatre presents Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
The Brook Community Theatre will bring to life Lewis Carroll’s classic book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through the Looking Glass in a two-act live radio play that will delight theatre-goers.
Performances are on Saturday, July 20 at 2pm and 6pm, Friday, July 26 at 7pm and Saturday, July 27 at 2pm and 7pm at the Mechanics Institute, Lawson.
Book tickets at

About The Brook
The Brook Community Theatre brings together actors of all ages to perform high-standard amateur plays in the Blue Mountains, NSW.
We perform radio plays, pantomimes, and modern and classic plays, and gather for social play readings.
If you would like to join The Brook Theatre and either perform on stage or work behind the scenes in a production role, please contact us.
New members are always welcome!